The Mikvah at the Melbourne Baths
The new Melbourne City Baths opened to great excitement on
23 March 1904. The design reflected the needs and architecture of the turn of
the century and, to provide for the observant Jews of East Melbourne, included a
Jewish ceremonial bath (Mikvah)!
Progressive reforms to Judaism date back to the
establishment of the Seesen congregation in Lower Saxony by Israel Jacobson way
back in 1810, when the belief that such ‘human emissions’ could render us
‘unclean’ was rejected, so for more than 200 years Progressive Jews have not
usually used the mikvah for the above purposes. However they have been used, and especially
over the past generation, for the final stage of conversion to Judaism, since
this is a powerful symbol of transition.
The various mikva’ot under Orthodox auspices
are not usually available for use by the Progressive community, so we have had
to find alternatives. For some years,
the Melbourne community used the mikvah at the Melbourne City
Baths, until, some ten years ago, it suffered a structural cracking, after
which we resorted to the most natural of mikva’ot, Port Philip
Bay! For reasons of privacy, comfort and
safety, this was far from ideal, so we worked with Melbourne City Council and
with the support of Lord Mayor Robert Doyle to complete a renovation of the
City Baths mikvah which is now warm, attractive and carpeted, and
complete with pictures, bath and shower.

The Progressive Judaism Victoria office (03 9533 9930) can
assist you with organising and booking the mikvah.
The mikvah will be filled in advance, as it takes nearly an hour to fill! We explored sending all this warm water into the main chlorinated pool system after use but it turned out to be unviable!
When the taps are turned on, the water flows a metre along a terracotta pipe attached to the wall, before entering the mikvah.
This is a commonly employed legal fiction which is considered to have turned the water from 'drawn' tap water (invalid) into 'mayim chayim - living, natural water' (valid).
It derives from the question 'if a bucket of water is drawn water, but I tip it on the floor, when does it become natural water again?'. The answer given is that once it has flowed a cubit along the ground, it is natural water. The subsequent question is 'what sort of ground must it flow along' and the answer is 'ground that is absorbent' and absorbent is taken to mean that it shows the passage of the water. Hence we use a terracotta pipe, which becomes darker (ie absorbs some of the water) as it flows along it. Attached to the wall makes it part of (one with) the building. Traditionally lean concrete has also been used for the purpose.
Heater and hairdryer make use of the mikvah more comfortable
Steps down into the mikvah
The bath for physical cleansing. It now has a shower
and shower curtain around it, and the area is carpeted.
The mikvah will be filled in advance, as it takes nearly an hour to fill! We explored sending all this warm water into the main chlorinated pool system after use but it turned out to be unviable!
When the taps are turned on, the water flows a metre along a terracotta pipe attached to the wall, before entering the mikvah.
This is a commonly employed legal fiction which is considered to have turned the water from 'drawn' tap water (invalid) into 'mayim chayim - living, natural water' (valid).
Heater and hairdryer make use of the mikvah more comfortable
Steps down into the mikvah
The bath for physical cleansing. It now has a shower
and shower curtain around it, and the area is carpeted.
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